Appendix 1
The Profiles of the Members in the Special Group for Struggling against the Falun Gong (the Chinese Consulate-General in Sydney)
(person in charge)
Work Assignment
Political Research
RUAN, Dewen
1.  ÌRelations with state and city governments and with major English media. This assignment should include drafting and distributing relevant letters, news bulletins and other writing for the Consulate-General. This assignment should also include lobbying government officials and parliament members to visit China.
2.  ÌWriting or compiling anti-Falun Gong materials in Chinese as well as in English.
3.  ÌRecommending to the Chinese-language media the anti-Falun Gong articles published by the People's Daily or by Xinhua News agency.
4.  ÌFor the special circumstance in Sydney, writing or rewriting some articles to criticize Falun Gong, and publishing them on the local Chinese-language media in the name of spokesperson for the Consulate-General.
5.  ÌBriefing the reporters our media agencies in Sydney of news-worthy information and big cases (about the Falun Gong).
6.  ÌCoordinating with all the sections in the Consulate in collecting all the materials that Falun Gong is distributing.
7.  ÌAnalyzing and reporting in summary to Beijing about the work done by each section and the information collected.
Culture and Propaganda1.  ÌIn charge of the propaganda bulletin board set up in the yard of the Consulate.
LONG, Yanping2.  ÌDistributing to the state and city governments, and to the media, the anti-Falun Gong materials that are sent to us from Beijing.
3.  ÌExpanding positive propaganda by strengthening cultural exchange activities in Sydney and the nearby area and by using the opportunities of visiting Chinese cultural, sports and performance teams.
4.  ÌSupply anti-Falun Gong video, audio, and text materials to local Chinese-language television, radio, and SBS Chinese broadcasting.
JU, Jinghu
1.  ÌSafeguarding the Visa application, compiling names and personal information of Falun Gong practitioners who come to apply for visa but been intercepted by us.
2.  ÌInterview such intercepted Falun Gong practitioners and gather information.
3.  ÌThrough interviews with acquaint Chinese, gathering information about Falun Gong, about any law-violating cases or family-damaging cases that involving Falun Gong.
Overseas Chinese Affairs
XU, Quan
1.  ÌDistributing anti-Falun Gong materials to Chinese associations; Pushing overseas Chinese to hold anti-Falun Gong forums, news briefings, or to make declarations and fact-rectification announcements, etc.
2.  ÌPushing overseas Chinese to write letters to the State and local governments, and to the parliament, to criticize Falun Gong.
3.  ÌIf practical, in some special days, organizing overseas Chinese to engage in eyeball to eyeball fight with Falun Gong.
4.  ÌGathering information through the channel of overseas Chinese about Falun Gong, including law-violating cases or family-damaging cases that involving Falun Gong.
Trade and Commerce
ZHANG, Zhandong
1.  ÌVoluntarily and actively revealing the “evil cult” nature of Falun Gong to all the Chinese-owned businesses, and urge the Chinese-owned businesses to take care of their employees (against Falun Gong).
2.  ÌProviding to the Chinese-owned businesses the related anti-Falun Gong materials in text, audio, and video format.
3.  ÌFinding out the advertisement spending of the Chinese-owned businesses, asking them to re-allocate spending according to each media's attitude (towards Falun Gong).
4.  ÌOrganizing the Chinese-owned businesses to help us gathering information (about Falun Gong).
AN, Yufeng
1.  ÌVoluntarily and actively telling the Chinese overseas students the “evil cult” nature of Falun Gong, and asking them to seek opportunities to work on their schools (over anti-Falun Gong issue).
2.  ÌShowing anti-Falun Gong video programs as inserts when showing movies or videos for the Chinese overseas students.
3.  ÌProviding to the Chinese Student and Scholars Associations in each university our anti-Falun Gong materials in text, audio, and video format.
4.  ÌIdentifying a few reliable Chinese students to gather information for us.
5.  ÌIf practical, on some special days, organize overseas Chinese to engage in eyeball to eyeball fight with Falun Gong. Helping them and overseas Chinese to make anti-Falun Gong banners and display boards.

The Consulate-General of the P. R. China in Sydney
